Good evening. I hope all is well with you! :-)
As mentioned in my last post, I have decided to make February my 'turn-around' month in terms of diet and exercise. So far I've done pretty good. In only five days I've lost about two pounds and even made it to the fitness center today. Of course, I have been working all weekend (Saturday, Sunday, and Monday) on twelve hour shifts which doesn't leave much time for the gym, but I made sure to go there this morning, instead. After I got home and had showered, B pulled out some Girl Scout cookies (Girl, 2013) that he had bought from a colleague at work yesterday. That's when it happened. Game over. *SOB* I ate my entire day's worth of calories in Tagalong peanut butter cookies and they're not even my favorite! (I'm mostly fond of the Samoas with caramel and coconut.) Bleh! And now I am disgusted with myself and totally regret even tasting a single cookie today. Boo! That was not cool. But -- tomorrow is a new day and I'm sure that I can bounce back from this little screw-up. Right?! Yes. By the way, this upcoming Friday, February 8th, is National Girl Scout Cookie Day. :-)
The Thought for the Day:
This morning I found a fun little message in my Facebook inbox. I tend to take part in prize drawings and such on social media as well as other blogs and this morning I was informed that I had been selected as the winner for one such drawing. :-) I won a wall sticker of Iceland that I was seriously thinking about purchasing before today. So, to me, this was great news. *YAY* The company sponsoring the drawing is an Icelandic clothing labeling company called Imprimo Fatamerkingar (Imprimo, 2013) stationed in Akureyri, located in the northern parts of Iceland. The sticker is really cool looking. Here is a picture of it from the company's Facebook page.
My new Iceland wall sticker:
2013.01.28 @ Imprimo Fatamerkingar, ehf.'s Facebook page
Description: Isn't that super?! Heck, yeah! Although this image contains a white Iceland with black glaciers, I have decided to go with the black Iceland sticker with white glaciers. That'll look awesome somewhere in our home. It's always fun to have something from the homeland in one's residence overseas. I'm really excited. :-)
As I have already mentioned, I am from Iceland... So, this morning I noticed an awesome video on Facebook that made me exceptionally proud to be an Icelander. In this video, made possible by the Inspired by Iceland (Inspired, 2013) campaign, local celebrities, authority figures, and the general public are openly inviting the world to come and partake in traditional Icelandic activities. Not only are the people of Iceland offering to show visitors the true Icelandic way of life, but they are also openly inviting others to come into their homes and get to know the people of our country. I think this is wonderful! And I think that this will become a hit for tourists. *BIG SMILE*
Inspired by Iceland's personal invitation to you:
2012.02.28 @ Icelandic President's fan page on Facebook
Description: In this video you will see the Icelandic president, the mayor of Reykjavik (the capital city of Iceland), and other Icelanders officially invite you to come into their homes and experience Icelandic daily life. Get to know the real Iceland! I'm telling you -- it's great!
This evening I decided to try to make some home-made soup for the first time and it went surprisingly well. I was impressed by own 'throw-something-together' recipe for soup that I've never made before. Here's a picture for ya.
2013.02.05 @ G's Potato Soup with Carrots
Description: There you have it, my brand new potato soup. Recipe card coming soon!
And after I made that soup, little A took a nice, long bath. He hasn't taken a bath for a while. He's been too busy to spend that much time in the tub so we've gone with showers, instead. *HEHE* But tonight he wanted a bubble bath which was great. He is too cute!
2013.02.05 @ The Bathtub
Description: Mama's little man in the tub tonight. What a cutie-pie! <3
-- Gigi
Girl Scouts of the United States of America. (2013). Meet the cookies. Retrieved from:
Imprimo Fatamerkingar, ehf. (2013). Sidan er i vinnslu - vinsamlega komid aftur i
heimsokn! Retrieved from:
Inspired by Iceland. (2013). Home: All. Retrieved from:
Keep up the diligence in the weight loss Gigi! One day of Girl Scout cookies should not affect today's wise choices! You are doing great!